Case Kavee

Preparation and dispatch of e-commerce orders

Kavee is a unique concept in Europe: products that meet the needs of small animals (cages, accessories, bedding, food range). A business model essentially based on online sales via 3 proprietary online platforms (England, France/Belgium and Germany) and integrations with international sales platforms such as Amazon, Ebay and Etsy.



“We implemented an IT solution to integrate all orders from different sales channels into a single e-pickingplatform”.

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Our solutions

Kavee has entrusted Manufast with the complete management of online order processing for all its online sales platforms:

  • Storage of components and products in Manufast warehouses
  • Implementation of an IT solution to integrate all orders from different sales channels into a single e-picking platform.
  • Order preparation, assembly of packages according to customer requirements
  • Worldwide shipping from Belgium.